Web design for essential oil collection
The Velox Essential Oil website is an online web platform to showcase the new collection of essential oils added to the Velox range. The website features a description of each essential oil, subscription to newsletter and reviews of previous customers’ experiences.
Nanyang Technological University Singapore
DM8001 Web Design
August - November 2020 (4 months)
Web Designer, Front-End Developer, CAD Designer
Finalised Home Screen
Revised Home Screen
I believe I learnt a lot about web design in a short span of time. The best way to really learn and understand HTML and CSS, I believe is, by referring to any online examples and seeing how you can apply it into your own web design or treat elements the same way they did. In the beginning, web design was like a foreign language to me, I could read it but could not understand any of it.
I am now surprised that I can look at an given HTML and CSS and read and understand the language. I think I could have improved my responsive designs as it is not as smooth as I would like it to be. Also due to time constraints I could have looked at more javascript or jquery examples I could apply to my web to make it more exciting. If I had more time as well, I would create more pages to link to the homepage and with more information on it. Perhaps with a full set of all the different products.
This module was definitely challenging and time-consuming, but the end reward is definitiely worth it. I am proud I can say that I coded this using HTML and CSS with the help of online sources, and this is something I can gladly put into my portfolio. It defintely makes me look at websites differently, because the detail that goes behind it is immense. I realised how important it is to have to appropriate padding, colours, fonts, etc. and how this can really change the look of your website.
Overall, I am satisfied with how my web page looks and the different interactive elements I have included to make it more exciting and less static. I am especially pleased with my homepage as that is what I spend the most time on. As mentioned, if I had more time, I would wish to do the same to the remaining pages. I realised how important it is to create wireframe sketches before diving into HTML and CSS as this makes the process a lot easier. Also, I have learnt to never be afraid to try and experiment HTML and CSS codes for yourself and if you find a code online, you should never feel obliged to follow it closely but to manipulate it to the way or style that will fit your website. It also takes a lot of patience, because ofen times it will not work out in the beginning, and to keep a positive mindset when doing so.